What Else?


This page is all about other units and extensions to the core Adeptus Titanicus game. Currently there are two parts to this;

Points Balancing the Imperator
Eldar in Adeptus Titanicus

Points Balancing the Imperator

The Imperator has been in the lore since before the first model release for Epic and has remained largely static – it’s had a ruleset for Warhammer Apocalypse / 40K, with the last incarnation being a kind of hybrid between the Imperator and the Warmonger, but not really catering for either. With the introduction of the Warmaster into Adeptus Titanicus, we’ve already got precedence for the same type of semi-mobile gun platform as the Imperator, as well as most of the Weapon types (albeit some on a smaller scale) existing in game. Princeps Goddenzilla built out his rule-set from that and I scenario tested and modelled out to establish a points benchmark, and then play-tested with multiple other Titans to get a better feel for ‘fit’ in game.

Imperator datacard
note: the ranges are for 28mm AT (4x AT18 Scale measurements)

The only suggestions that I had to the proposed rule-set, were;
Always allow the Imperator to Split Fire – any chance of failing to be able to do so has too much impact upon the unit due to the sheer amount of overkill that its weapons have against most targets.
Validating that the Volcano Cannon was intended to be the Reaver Titan variant, rather than the Warlord one (like the Quake Cannon).
Modifying Critical Damage effects from 1,2/3,4 -> 1/2,3,4 to mirror the Warmaster
From scenario testing and modelling, I found that;

Imperator  <  3x Warlord [BVC+MQC+AMLs / DakkaLord / BVC+SPA+LBs] (1535pts)
Imperator  >  Warlord [BVC+MQC+AMLs] + Reaver[VC+LB+AML] + 2x Warhounds [2xPB ea] (1290pts)
Imperator  >  Warlord [VC+QC+AMLs] + 2xReaver[VC+LB+AML] + Warhound [2xPB] (1360pts)
Imperator  ~=  Warlord [BVC+MQC+AMLs] + Warby[MQC+VC+LB] + 2x Warhounds [2xPB ea] (1375pts) Imperator  <  2x Warlord [VC+QC+AMLs] + 2x Warhounds [2xPB ea] (1480pts)
including 365 points of base weapons;
Starshatter 100, Hellstorm 80, Paired AMLs 40*, Paired TLDs 60*, VC 25#, QC 20#, VMB Arrays 40*
*these are based on Iconclast points rather than Warhound/Reaver/Warlord ones, noting that the Reaver Volcano Cannon and the Warlord Mori Quake were used.

Erring on the side of caution, I opted for 1055 base +365 weapons for 1420 points all up, where 1390-1420 felt about right.
First use at Titan Walk UK 2022 brought two further suggestions;
Reduce Servitor clades by 1 from 8 to 7
Reduce the dice of the Hellstorm Gatling Blaster from 8 to 6 in-line with (but still 2 points stronger than) other Blaster weapons.
You can see a lot more about the amazing creation that is Ira Metallum on Princeps Goddenzilla’s Blog.

I’ve currently got two versions of the Imperator rules for AT – one based upon @Goddenzilla’s 28mm Ira Metallum, and one for @Zarmsglorg’s 8mm Flammae Immortalis

Eldar in Adeptus Titanicus

There are rules for Eldar Titans in various flavours of Epic and Warhammer 40K. Key to the design of the rule-set, was that they should _feel_ Aeldari: Fast, technically superior (but risk-adverse), and fragile. The latest ruleset for Warhammer 40K changed the weapon profile of the Eldar Missile Launchers significantly, and didn’t really fit the AT model, so these were ‘hybridised’ to better fit a role vs Titans and Knights.
Initial Testing using ported rule equivalence from Epic found the Eldar Phantom with Melee weapons to be far too quick and despite the maneuverability of the Revenant being more akin to an Imperial Knight, we found that these needed to be made less-so, to avoid a ‘game’ of “see if you can stop getting shot in the back”.
The key features of the rule design were;

Eldar Titans are made of Wraithbone, this can be re-grown (repaired) in game.
Eldar Titans are faster and more maneuverable than equivalent classes of Imperial Titan.
Wraithbone is stronger than the equivalent class of Imperial Titan’s armour, but also more brittle (doesn’t like getting hit).
Eldar Titans don’t have a Plasma Reactor, but instead are able to direct their Titan’s power as required to meet current demands without a need to ‘push’ it.
Eldar Holofields are dependent upon the speed that the unit moves, offering a fixed saving throw, but with fails hitting armour.
Blast weapons some-what negate, but are still affected by Holofields
Eldar weapons, especially laser weapons are the pinnacle of technology, generally hitting harder without a need to risk ‘over-charging’ them.

This leads to more expensive chassis and weapon options;

example Phantom Titan as used at Titan Walk UK 2022

As with the Imperator, the Eldar Titans and Wraithknights were Scenario tested, modelled and play-tested for balance. Post the Titan Walk UK 2022, a few subsequent tweaks were required. The rules were then re-used as presented again at Beachead ’23, which lead to updates to address issues with;

Quake interaction with Holofields (effectively taking Phantoms out of the game).
Repairing Structure being too easy
Revenants still being too fast when using their Jump Jets
Resilience of both Titans being too high
Points being too low

Following further testing of an updated rule-set at the Northern Sector Titan Walk in March ’23, a few more modifications were made to further slow down both titans, reduce their damage output, and then re-balance points.

Phantom Titan Terminal post-Northern Sector Walk March ’23

This unfortunately, led to them being too weak, (with Revenants being able to be one shotted by a lucky Volcano hit, or too easily sniped for targeted shots from low strenght weapons) and following London GT ’23, an extra damage pip was added back, but on the other end (the +3) of the damage track, and the ability to allocate power to holofield projectors, to counter the large amount of blast being directed at them. These were then re-tested at the TOC UK Walk ’23, and really _felt_ about right. The main issue was a mis-calculation of the D-Bombard, which has had a points reduction and 5″ Blast added on, and the S9 re-added to the Phantom Pulsar. We’ve also added a point of armour to the heads of both Titans and undertaken a slight re-work of the Wraithknight Shields, and I’m hoping that bar some very minor tweaks, this will be almost a final version.